On The RV Road Again

As I write this, we have just arrived in Oklahoma City. After leaving home on Monday, September 5th, we have driven 960 miles, stopped in 7 different towns, and had a tremendous time. With about 6 weeks to go on our RV trip, we are adding experiences, memories, and photos to our satisfying retirement.

Unlike previous trips, we are keeping most travel days to only 3 hours on the road. That means less wear and tear on the driver (me!) and allows us to arrive at our new destination by early afternoon. There is plenty of time to get things set up, relax, and see any local sights that grab our attention.

Normally, we will stay for just one night in smaller towns, and then two nights in areas with more to see. With careful planning this has meant extra time in the bigger towns of Albuquerque, Amarillo, and now, OKC. 

Frankly, we could spend much longer in each place, but we have family visits built around certain timing that means this is the best setup for now. On the return trip from Tennessee we can be much more flexible in how long we choose to stay in a particular town. Betty has already suggested we change our route home to go through 5 additional states so we can put more stickers on the RV map!

To this point, our favorite sites have been Old Town Albuquerque, the Cadillac Ranch spot near Amarillo (pure Americana kitsch) , Palo Duro Canyon State Park, the Route 66 Museum and the historical museum in Tucumcari, and the RV Museum near Amarillo.

Surprisingly to me, a full week after Labor Day the RV parks are mostly full. For some reason I thought things would start to quiet down by mid-September, but that is not the case. RVers don't have to follow a calendar, something I should have realized. We booked ahead for this first leg of the journey, so there have been no problems. It will be interesting to see whether there are any changes in occupancy by October. 

Both Betty and I brought along at least half a dozen projects each, so our free time has been busy. We have had the chance to discuss some things we want to do to the house when we get home, but have yet to reach a firm conclusion about the future of our RV adventures. At this point I'd guess we will modify and continue with our current motorhome, but the road ahead is still quite long and could bring changes to our thoughts.

We cooked and froze 15 meals ahead of time. They completely filled the RV freezer.  So far, less than half are gone. But, tomorrow means grocery shopping for fresh produce, fruit, and bread.

While we are shopping or driving, enjoy some photos from the road:

First night in Heber, AZ

Bailey can read!

A selfie!

A giant game of chess?

No more riding on this saddle
Gazebo in Old Town Albuquerque

Grounds of San Felipe de Neri Church

Gives Betty an idea for our backyard!

All sorts of galleries in old town Albuquerque

Rout 66 Museum in Tucumcari...notice the wall of photos

the juxtaposition of modern technology and  an old Rt. 66 gas station

Luckily, this store outside Tucumcari was closed! Way too much stuff
Route 66 Cadillac Ranch..Yes, 10 cars

Palo Duro State Park

Yes, a trailer doggie house!

From the Robin Williams Movie, RV

A customized teardrop trailer

Complete with kitchen

A dozen vintage trailers and twice that many motorcycles

Not bad for 9 days!


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